Frequently asked questions

Do you offer a free trial?

Yes! We offer a week trial and if you and your young person are happy you can sign up! We are flexible so give us a shout if you have any problems!

How do I join?

You can find our group on Facebook. Join the group for all the information!

How much does it cost?

Currently our membership is £5 per family per month! Cheaper than a large caramel latte from Costa!

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes! Our membership can be paid monthly or yearly. If you pay monthly you can cancel at anytime and just pay for the rest of the month!

Do you only provide online activities?

We are primarily an online gaming service provider, however we do organise meet-ups and we plan to do more face to face meet-ups in the future. If you have a group and would be interested in a group face to face or online session let us know!

My child doesn't like speaking, can they still join?

Yes! We have various ways of communicating in game play. Text chat through Minecraft, voice chat and text chat through Discord and you can use text to speech in Minecraft. Just let us know if your young person is struggling to be understood!

My child doesn't cope with big groups do you offer any small group sessions?

Yes! We understand that not all young people feel confident enough to join a large group, so we offer small group sessions with a maximum of four members. These sessions are an additional £8 per session per person.

How old should my child be?

We try to be inclusive of all ages up to the age of 16. However, the majority of our members are between 6 and 16. Please do get in touch if you have a child who is under 6 or above 16!

Is your group available to young people outside the UK?

Yes! We have players from different countries on our Minecraft server. Most are from the UK because our moderated play sessions run UK time and they are not always accessible. Our future aim is to provide sessions at different times however we need volunteers to be able to do that.

I'm a techno-phobe - can you help?

You are not on your own! We have plenty of Guides to show you how to join our Minecraft server and Discord! If you get really stuck, you can message for support in the Facebook group!

How do you include everyone?

Every person is different and we don't expect members to always join events. Our Minecraft server is open 24/7 for members to play on. We do actively listen to members and what they want, our member Advisory group meets every month to discuss what we can do to make positive changes. Our moderators work really hard in ensuring everyone feels they can be a part of Funtime Games.

What is a 'moderator' and what do they do?

A 'moderator' on our server facilitates game play, organises events and helps the smooth running of our moderated play sessions. They are all volunteers so please be patient when requesting or asking something.

What is a Discord?

Discord is a tool for socialising. It is available as an app or in a internet browser. Our Discord server is moderated and private. We use Discord for text & voice chat. We ask all members to add their gamertag to their Discord name so we can identify them.

What are your expectations on behaviour?

We do have a behaviour policy to protect everyone on the server. We do also recognise that our members struggle with various issues such as high anxiety, misunderstandings, frustration and overwhelm. We look to work with parents and young people to ensure we are meeting their needs where possible.

How do you safeguard my child?

We take the protection of all children and young people seriously, and work to protect them from harm such as abuse, neglect and exploitation. All our volunteers and staff are DBS checked and have training, including safeguarding training on a regular basis.

We regularly assess our service to ensure we create a safe environment for children and young people and minimise the risk of harm to them and when there is harm, stopping it continuing.

What do I need to get started?

To join our Minecraft server you will need Minecraft Bedrock edition. This is the version of the game that is available on various gaming platforms: PC, laptop, Tablet, Switch, PlayStation, XBox. You may also want to set up a Discord account

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