Meet the Team
We started Funtime Games during COVID in 2020. We were restricted from going out, all meet-ups, groups and activities stopped and life was a very different normal. Our ability to adapt and make the best of things are two common factors we share however our skills are different which makes us a great team.
Who are we?
We are mum and daughter who have a range of skills and experiences and share a love of Minecraft and helping others.

Melanie Cossins
Founder / Project manager

Ariana Cossins
senior moderator
Pronouns: She/Her
Music teacher, Director of NeuroHive CIC & Think Cre8tive Group CIC. Working in community arts helping mental health and wellbeing.
During lockdown singing stopped and I found my son and daughter were stuck without friends. Both home educated and neurodivergent.
Both are very into gaming and love Minecraft so I bought a server and opened it up to mainly neurodivergent and home educated young people. The server has grown and I love it!
Pronouns: They/Them
Lover of all things gaming, Anime and D&D. Ariana is neurodivergent and loves working with young people of all ages.
They started playing Minecraft age 8 and over ten years later they are still playing!
Ariana is creative, funny and very chatty and you can often find them streaming on Twitch.
Ariana also volunteers at their local Guides group.
Our Values
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Community, Creativity, Inclusivity, Autonomy, Friendship, Respect, Empathy.

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